Sunday, November 18, 2007


So here's how it goes:

The first near concussion came when Kate and I were disassembling a bed frame. Long story short, a very heavy piece of wood that we thought would stand on its own did not. It did, however, stand with the help of my head. I had a good sized goose egg for a few days, saw stars, nearly got knocked out, and all that jazz.

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A few weeks later i guess i decided that i didn't want my past self to show up my present self. I could describe the scenario for you, but i'll just say i hit myself on a very sharp piece of wood. On the head. It bled EVERYWHERE. I screamed expletives. At work. Oh yeah. When the bleeding finally stopped I went woozily back to work and finished my day with a huge blood clot in my hair. Yummy. Got it cleaned up, and guess what? As Laura says, i'm branded.

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yeah. L for Laura. I would rather have taken a ring. Over a week later and it's still there, albeit somewhat smaller. Looks like it's going to scar, and i definitely have a depression in my skull. Yea!!!

1 comment:

buffy said...

look on the bright side: at least you have your eyebrows.