Saturday, October 20, 2007


I want to take a moment to highlight one of the GREATEST MOMENTS EVER FILMED:

Lt. Ellen Ripley (Yeah, yeah, played by Sigourney Weaver) spouts a huge gout of flame over the eggs being laid by the mother Alien (played by none other than Stan Winston's greatest creation, the Mother Alien). For the moment, it seems to be a stalemate.

Shortly thereafter, one of the aforementioned alien eggs folds open, breaking the stalemate, and giving way to possibly the greatest moment of acting to be captured on film in the last twenty years:

Ripley (yeah, yeah, Sigourney Weaver) shoots the Mama ET this big fat HELL NO OH YOU DIDN'T YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THAT I'VE GOT A FLAMETHROWER AND YOU DID WHAT? look that in my opinion is one of the most convincing and eloquent moments ever to be filmed. Happy Halloween.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Winter takes two

in the petals of the rose
i've seen how it goes
i've seen an idea never tasted
go from sweet to sour
and seasons tolling every hour
have left your life to end unflowered
and here's to those predicting seasons:
Winter gives no fucking reasons--
She gives then takes and takes away
a quarter of four hundred days
She gives us time to ruminate,
to busy, schedule, plan, and date
to fill in slots we left unfilled
to do undone and shutter sill
to pack unpacked and unpacked done
to plant the seed becoming Sun
and what she takes while we don't look?
The only measured breath we took.