Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Nephews+Video Camera=Check it out.

Thought I'd share some (semi) recent videos of my nephews with all 4 of you guys. Here's the first, a longish clip of Isaac on his first day of freedom from the womb:

Here's Isaac at home, enjoying a pacifier.

And here's me and one of my favorite people on earth (he's tied for first), Aiden, takin' a dip in the ol' swimmin' hole.

More later.


Kate said...

Thanks for sharing those Adam! I am sitting here at 7 a.m. waiting for Isaac to wake up. He has been in his bed since 10:30 p.m. Do the math....8 1/2 hours!!!! Joy!!!

buffy said...

gah, aiden looks like you, doesn't he?