Yeah, it's been a while. I've been busy. Had a lot on my mind. Forgot this blog was here. Hmm.
I'm feeling this crazy urge to rant and rave about the same things everybody else is ranting and raving about. Gas prices? Obama? McCain? Offshore Drilling? Will Guns N' Roses' Chinese Democracy ever come out? WHY GOD WHY CAN I ONLY TASTE 17 OF THE 23 FLAVORS IN DR. PEPPER? IS MY TONGUE DEAD? AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!
Life's been good lately. Wedding in less than four months. Awesome. It's great to know that there is someone out there who loves me not just in spite of my flaws, but because of some of them. Laura is one of the most gracious and beautiful people in my life, and I am so lucky to have her.
This blog has been marked for adult content. That cracks me up. I learned all these offensive words when I was a kid, and the only people i didn't use them with were adults. Weird. It makes me feel like some kind of internet predator...I now come with a warning. If I was a bug I'd be brightly colored. You would know right away, "don't mess with that one, he's poison." What a joke. The worst thing I ever posted here I removed the next day. Thank God. I would've had two warnings.
Wal Mart: It makes NO sense that you won't sell explicit music, but will sell R-rated movies. Boobies and blood and language and drug use. Don't listen to 'em, Wal-Mart says. Watch 'em instead.
I think books should be rated. That way I'd know which ones I really wanted to read. "This book rated R for extensive violence, adult language, and descriptive depictions of gore." Yes. Sign me up. "This book rated R for several scenes involving male genitalia." No thank you.